
  • The longer you wait in a queue, the greater the probability that you're in the wrong queue.
  • Undertakers are the last people who will let you down.Upload to Facebook
    Undertakers are the last people who will let you down.
  • What did people go back to before drawing boards were invented?
  • When the wheel was invented, it caused a revolution.Upload to Facebook
    When the wheel was invented, it caused a revolution.
  • Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?
  • He doesn't get even... he gets odder.
  • If you cook alphabet soup on the stove and leave it unattended, It could spell disaster.
  • Rich foods are like destiny. They, too, shape our ends.
  • Friends may come and go, but enemies accumulate.
  • Shortbread: They're not making it any longer.