Bachelors Quotes

  • Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going.Upload to Facebook
    Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going.
    ~ Paul Theroux
  • Never trust a husband too far, nor a bachelor too near.
    ~ Helen Rowland
  • Marrying an old bachelor is like buying second-hand furniture.Upload to Facebook
    Marrying an old bachelor is like buying second-hand furniture.
    ~ H. Jackson Brown Jr.
  • A bachelor is a man who comes to work each morning from a different direction.
    ~ Sholom Aleichem
  • A bachelor is a guy who never made the same mistake once.
    ~ Phyllis Diller
  • Why should I marry? One marries to have children, but I already have children! My nieces and nephews are my children.
    ~ Salman Khan