Interesting SMS

  • Nothing makes you question your existence faster than when an automatic door doesn't open for you!
  • Putting out candles on a birthday cake represents very beautifully that how for life to start blooming someone must blow!Upload to Facebook
    Putting out candles on a birthday cake represents very beautifully that how for life to start blooming someone must blow!
  • Maturity is realising how many things don't require your opinion!Upload to Facebook
    Maturity is realising how many things don't require your opinion!
  • A request to all friends:<br/>
Always be in touch. Ask ISRO how painful it is to lose contact!Upload to Facebook
    A request to all friends:
    Always be in touch. Ask ISRO how painful it is to lose contact!
  • Only in Mumbai:<br/>
Banana is Kela;<br/>
Single is Akela;<br/>
Tired is Thakela;<br/>
Bored is Pakela;<br/>
Stuck-up is Atkela;<br/>
Angry is Satkela;<br/>
Hung-up is Latkela;<br/>
Lost is Bhatkela & Dead is Tapkela!Upload to Facebook
    Only in Mumbai:
    Banana is Kela;
    Single is Akela;
    Tired is Thakela;
    Bored is Pakela;
    Stuck-up is Atkela;
    Angry is Satkela;
    Hung-up is Latkela;
    Lost is Bhatkela & Dead is Tapkela!
  • 3 AM is `a late-night`.<br/>
5 AM is `early morning`.<br/>
4 AM is where you just stare at the clock and try to categorize it but you can't!Upload to Facebook
    3 AM is "a late-night".
    5 AM is "early morning".
    4 AM is where you just stare at the clock and try to categorize it but you can't!
  • Sleep is the body's best safety mechanism. It keeps you from screwing things up for 8 hours!Upload to Facebook
    Sleep is the body's best safety mechanism. It keeps you from screwing things up for 8 hours!
  • Sleeping in is considered lazy, but going to bed early isn't!Upload to Facebook
    Sleeping in is considered lazy, but going to bed early isn't!
  • Tea might lift your mood but coffee helps avoiding cold blooded murders at workplace in the morning!Upload to Facebook
    Tea might lift your mood but coffee helps avoiding cold blooded murders at workplace in the morning!
  • Isn't it weird how we basically have an endless mental conversation with ourselves?Upload to Facebook
    Isn't it weird how we basically have an endless mental conversation with ourselves?