Interesting Adult and Non veg Restricted

  • Scientific Theory of Sex:
    The angle of the dangle
    Decreases with the sag of the bag;
    Increases in proportion to the heat of the meat;
    Is relative to the mass of the ass;
    Enhances with the beauty of the cutie!
  • When Hugh Hefner dies, will he really be going to a better place? Upload to Facebook
    When Hugh Hefner dies, will he really be going to a better place?
  • Ad by a Call Girl:
    Plot on rent
    Area: 2" x 4"
    Good frontage
    1 bore well with well-manicured garden
    Excellent Drainage facility
    And Milk booths at a handy distance!
  • Mondays are like drunk sex... hard to stay up and seem to last forever!
  • When we are young children, we love to watch cartoon movies and act like them;
    And when we grow up, we like to watch porn movies and act like them!
  • After sex, all men face similar problem as that of a murderer... what to do with
    the body lying next to them?
  • Go down a water slide while it isn't wet and you'll understand why foreplay is so important!Upload to Facebook
    Go down a water slide while it isn't wet and you'll understand why foreplay is so important!
  • Boobs are like Soda, nobody likes them flat!Upload to Facebook
    Boobs are like Soda, nobody likes them flat!
  • The biggest difference between men and women is what comes to mind when the word 'Facial' is used!
  • Teenager: God's punishment for enjoying sex!