Amit Ray Quotes

  • If you want to conquer the anxiety of life,  live in the moment, live in the breath.Upload to Facebook
    If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.
    ~ Amit Ray
  • Circumstances are what make a thing; poison or nectar!Upload to Facebook
    Circumstances are what make a thing; poison or nectar!
    ~ Amit Ray
  • Family, friends and relationships are the blessings of God. They are the best way to access God.Upload to Facebook
    Family, friends and relationships are the blessings of God. They are the best way to access God.
    ~ Amit Ray
  • There are two types of seeds in the mind: those that create anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, hatred and those that create love, compassion, equanimity and joy. Spirituality is germination and sprouting of the second group and transforming the first group.Upload to Facebook
    There are two types of seeds in the mind: those that create anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, hatred and those that create love, compassion, equanimity and joy. Spirituality is germination and sprouting of the second group and transforming the first group.
    ~ Amit Ray