Shekhar Kapur Quotes

  • Connect every Indian to the internet and pyramid structures will overturn.Upload to Facebook
    Connect every Indian to the internet and pyramid structures will overturn.
    ~ Shekhar Kapur
  • When will Bollywood go international? When we stop celebrating mediocrity.Upload to Facebook
    When will Bollywood go international? When we stop celebrating mediocrity.
    ~ Shekhar Kapur, on Bollywood
  • Lessons of Life: When you stop yearning, When you stop aspiring. You stop living.Upload to Facebook
    Lessons of Life: When you stop yearning, When you stop aspiring. You stop living.
    ~ Shekhar Kapur
  • As kids we worshipped 'Chacha Nehru'. Now his promise are unkept. His legacy? More Indians below poverty line than the entire population in 1947.Upload to Facebook
    As kids we worshipped 'Chacha Nehru'. Now his promise are unkept. His legacy? More Indians below poverty line than the entire population in 1947.
    ~ Shekhar Kapur
  • Compared to IPL, all the muck Bollywood is accused of pales into insignificance.Upload to Facebook
    Compared to IPL, all the muck Bollywood is accused of pales into insignificance.
    ~ Shekhar Kapur
  • Fall in love so madly that every leaf whispers words of love to your lover. Every raindrop explodes with only one word as it hits the Earth.Upload to Facebook
    Fall in love so madly that every leaf whispers words of love to your lover. Every raindrop explodes with only one word as it hits the Earth.
    ~ Shekhar Kapur