Interesting SMS

  • Sleep is the body's best safety mechanism. It keeps you from screwing things up for 8 hours!Upload to Facebook
    Sleep is the body's best safety mechanism. It keeps you from screwing things up for 8 hours!
  • You can get fired for showing up high - but no one bats an eye if you show up low and depressed!
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    You can get fired for showing up high - but no one bats an eye if you show up low and depressed!
  • Kids who are mature for their age are actually just too traumatised by adulthood to enjoy a childhood!Upload to Facebook
    Kids who are mature for their age are actually just too traumatised by adulthood to enjoy a childhood!
  • Your body is just a loan from the planet and you give everything back when you die!Upload to Facebook
    Your body is just a loan from the planet and you give everything back when you die!
  • The tragedy of today's India:<br/>
The richest (industrialists) and the poorest (farmers) of India want loan waiver.<br/>
The middle class are born just to support the above two class & pay EMIs for their lifetime!Upload to Facebook
    The tragedy of today's India:
    The richest (industrialists) and the poorest (farmers) of India want loan waiver.
    The middle class are born just to support the above two class & pay EMIs for their lifetime!
  • The Character, Maturity, Friendship and Love is always to be judged in adverse conditions, Otherwise, everyone seems good at a Coffee Table!Upload to Facebook
    The Character, Maturity, Friendship and Love is always to be judged in adverse conditions, Otherwise, everyone seems good at a Coffee Table!
  • Kids who are mature for their age are actually just too traumatised by adulthood to enjoy a childhood!Upload to Facebook
    Kids who are mature for their age are actually just too traumatised by adulthood to enjoy a childhood!
  • I realized that being bored is just getting tired of yourself!Upload to Facebook
    I realized that being bored is just getting tired of yourself!
  • Your childhood ends the day you realise that sleep is a reward and not a punishment!Upload to Facebook
    Your childhood ends the day you realise that sleep is a reward and not a punishment!
  • One of the most frustrating feelings in the world is being smart enough to know there's a better way to do something but not smart enough to invent a way to do it!Upload to Facebook
    One of the most frustrating feelings in the world is being smart enough to know there's a better way to do something but not smart enough to invent a way to do it!