Emotions Quotes

  • We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so forlornly unhappy as when we have lost our love object or its love.Upload to Facebook
    We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love, never so forlornly unhappy as when we have lost our love object or its love.
    ~ Sigmund Freud
  • A smile on the face is a sign that the heart is at home.Upload to Facebook
    A smile on the face is a sign that the heart is at home.
    ~ Author Unknown
  • Important encounters are planned by the souls before the bodies see each other.Upload to Facebook
    Important encounters are planned by the souls before the bodies see each other.
    ~ Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes
  • A smile cures the wounding of a frown.Upload to Facebook
    A smile cures the wounding of a frown.
    ~ William Shakespeare
  • The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end.Upload to Facebook
    The magic of first love is our ignorance that it can never end.
    ~ Benjamin Disraeli
  • A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.Upload to Facebook
    A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.
    ~ Mahatma Gandhi
  • When a man has once loved a woman, he will do anything for her, except continue to love her.Upload to Facebook
    When a man has once loved a woman, he will do anything for her, except continue to love her.
    ~ Oscar Wilde
  • At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.Upload to Facebook
    At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
    ~ Plato
  • Love is the beauty of the soul.Upload to Facebook
    Love is the beauty of the soul.
    ~ Saint Augustine
  • A kiss is the shortest distance between two souls.Upload to Facebook
    A kiss is the shortest distance between two souls.
    ~ JD Ghai