Pranks SMS

  • Brains are awesome...<br/>
I wish everyone had one!Upload to Facebook
    Brains are awesome...
    I wish everyone had one!
  • Its hard to find a good friend who is <br/>
90% funny <br/>
95% sexy<br/>
100% perfect...<br/>
So, whatever you do just don't lose me!Upload to Facebook
    Its hard to find a good friend who is
    90% funny
    95% sexy
    100% perfect...
    So, whatever you do just don't lose me!
  • The best 'Prank Call' ever:
    "Hello KFC?"
    "Yes, how can I help you sir?"
    "I want McDonalds number!"
  • Kind, intelligent, loving and hot.
    This describes everything you...
    are not!
  • Just Go To Hell,
    Yes You
    You Only
    Because only You .
    can change - Hell into Heaven, by your sweetness!
  • If it walks like a duck;
    And talks like a duck.
    It simply means - you're drunk;
    Ducks don't talk!
  • A camel, a cow and a donkey were discussing 'who is best'?
    Cow: I give milk.
    Camel: I move heavy loads.
    Donkey: ...
    What are you waiting for, say something about yourself!
  • I just want to sit down and watch a nice movie with a girlfriend.
    Can anyone recommend...
    a nice girlfriend?
  • Life is too short to be serious all the time.
    So if you can't laugh at yourself, call me - I'll laugh at you!
  • Having a good laugh with a friend like you stimulates endorphin's, the brain's natural painkillers. So, if you need to laugh and you can't find a friend like yourself,
    I can lend you my mirror!