Quotes Adult and Non veg Restricted

  • I was dating this girl for a while, and the first time she saw me naked, she said, `Is everything a joke with you?`Upload to Facebook
    I was dating this girl for a while, and the first time she saw me naked, she said, "Is everything a joke with you?"
    ~ Jeffrey Ross
  • The difference between sex and love is that sex relives tension and loves cause it.Upload to Facebook
    The difference between sex and love is that sex relives tension and loves cause it.
    ~ Woody Allen
  • `Where should one use perfume?` a young woman asked. `Wherever one wants to be kissed.`Upload to Facebook
    "Where should one use perfume?" a young woman asked. "Wherever one wants to be kissed."
    ~ Coco Chanel
  • If you have an obsession about a man, sometimes you have to go to bed with him to get over it.Upload to Facebook
    If you have an obsession about a man, sometimes you have to go to bed with him to get over it.
    ~ Jackie Bisset
  • I like to date school teachers. If you do something wrong, they make you do it over again.Upload to Facebook
    I like to date school teachers. If you do something wrong, they make you do it over again.
    ~ Rodney Dangerfield
  • If they didn't show it on the screen, most people would never know about oral sex.Upload to Facebook
    If they didn't show it on the screen, most people would never know about oral sex.
    ~ Mary Whitehouse
  • I've kissed so many women I could do it with my eyes closed.Upload to Facebook
    I've kissed so many women I could do it with my eyes closed.
    ~ Henny Youngman
  • Sex is the great amateur art. The professional, male or female, is frowned on; he or she misses the whole point and spoils the show.Upload to Facebook
    Sex is the great amateur art. The professional, male or female, is frowned on; he or she misses the whole point and spoils the show.
    ~ David Cort
  • I have little feet because nothing grows in the shade.Upload to Facebook
    I have little feet because nothing grows in the shade.
    ~ Dolly Parton
  • Oral sex is like being attacked by a giant snail.Upload to Facebook
    Oral sex is like being attacked by a giant snail.
    ~ Germaine Greer
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