Facebook Status SMS

  • After getting Friendzoned for so many times, I think 'Friendzoned' should be a relationship status on Facebook!Upload to Facebook
    After getting Friendzoned for so many times, I think 'Friendzoned' should be a relationship status on Facebook!
  • TODAY has been cancelled. Go back to BED!Upload to Facebook
    TODAY has been cancelled. Go back to BED!
  • If you want to come into my heart, the door is open but please don't stop at the entrance and block traffic.<br/>
Either enter or leave!Upload to Facebook
    If you want to come into my heart, the door is open but please don't stop at the entrance and block traffic.
    Either enter or leave!
  • Draupadi's FB status:
    1 Like, 5 Shares
  • The best moments we all lived are the ones we absolutely forgot to take pictures of!Upload to Facebook
    The best moments we all lived are the ones we absolutely forgot to take pictures of!
  • Call a girl beautiful 100 times and she'll never notice. Call her fat once and she'll never forget it. Because elephants never forget!Upload to Facebook
    Call a girl beautiful 100 times and she'll never notice. Call her fat once and she'll never forget it. Because elephants never forget!
  • No one can write better non-sense than me!Upload to Facebook
    No one can write better non-sense than me!
  • I am strong because I am weak;
    I am beautiful because I know my flaws;
    I am a lover because I am a fighter;
    I am fearless because I have been afraid;
    I am wise because I have been foolish;
    And I can laugh because I have known sadness!
  • Dear K, LoL and Hmmmm,
    Thanks for being there when I've been found wanting for words!
  • If you can't be good example, be a terrible warning!Upload to Facebook
    If you can't be good example, be a terrible warning!