Funny SMS

  • Things money can't buy:</br>
1. Manners</br>
2. Morals</br>
3. Respect</br>
4. Character</br>
5. Common Sense</br>
6. Trust</br>
7. Patience</br>
8. Class</br>
9. Integrity</br>
10. LoveUpload to Facebook
    Things money can't buy:
    1. Manners
    2. Morals
    3. Respect
    4. Character
    5. Common Sense
    6. Trust
    7. Patience
    8. Class
    9. Integrity
    10. Love
The best thing about Twitter: You can tweet anything you want.</br>
The worst thing about Twitter: You can tweet anything you want!Upload to Facebook
    The best thing about Twitter: You can tweet anything you want.
    The worst thing about Twitter: You can tweet anything you want!
It was a sad and disappointing day when I discovered my Universal Remote Control did not, in fact, control the Universe.</br>
(Not even remotely)Upload to Facebook
    It was a sad and disappointing day when I discovered my Universal Remote Control did not, in fact, control the Universe.
    (Not even remotely)
  • What do you call it when someone looks at your face and says you look good?</br>
Sarcasm!Upload to Facebook
    What do you call it when someone looks at your face and says you look good?
Relationships are a lot like algebra.</br>
Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?Upload to Facebook
    Relationships are a lot like algebra.
    Have you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?
  • I pulled a mustache hair out today while I was at a restaurant.</br>
I don't know why the waitress was upset & called the security. I was just trying to help her!Upload to Facebook
    I pulled a mustache hair out today while I was at a restaurant.
    I don't know why the waitress was upset & called the security. I was just trying to help her!
  • It's called 'Reading'.</br>
It's how our generation upload software into our brains!Upload to Facebook
    It's called 'Reading'.
    It's how our generation upload software into our brains!
  • The irony of Life:</br>
Remember those days when people used to write diaries and got mad when someone read them.</br>
Now they put everything on Facebook and get mad when people don't read them!Upload to Facebook
    The irony of Life:
    Remember those days when people used to write diaries and got mad when someone read them.
    Now they put everything on Facebook and get mad when people don't read them!
  • If you're not supposed to eat at midnight, why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator?Upload to Facebook
    If you're not supposed to eat at midnight, why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator?
  • I've always had an irrational fear of speed bumps but I'm slowly getting over it!Upload to Facebook
    I've always had an irrational fear of speed bumps but I'm slowly getting over it!