One-liners SMS

  • A girl to the X-ray technician after swallowing some coins by mistake, `Sir, do you see any change in me?`Upload to Facebook
    A girl to the X-ray technician after swallowing some coins by mistake, "Sir, do you see any change in me?"
  • Why did the poor dog chase his tail?<br/>
He was trying to make both ends meet!Upload to Facebook
    Why did the poor dog chase his tail?
    He was trying to make both ends meet!
  • What happened to the plant in Maths class?<br/>
It grew square roots!Upload to Facebook
    What happened to the plant in Maths class?
    It grew square roots!
  • What do you call a sick eagle?
  • Q: Did you hear oxygen went on a date with potassium?
    A: It went OK.
  • Why do cows wear bells?<br />
Because their horns don't work!Upload to Facebook
    Why do cows wear bells?
    Because their horns don't work!
  • Where do animals go when their tails fall off?<br/>
The retail store!Upload to Facebook
    Where do animals go when their tails fall off?
    The retail store!
  • Why should a skeleton drink 10 glasses of milk a day?<br/>
It's good for the bones!Upload to Facebook
    Why should a skeleton drink 10 glasses of milk a day?
    It's good for the bones!
  • Q: Why do ambassadors never get sick?<br/>
A: Diplomatic immunity.Upload to Facebook
    Q: Why do ambassadors never get sick?
    A: Diplomatic immunity.
  • Why did the skeleton not go to the party? He had no-body to go with!Upload to Facebook
    Why did the skeleton not go to the party? He had no-body to go with!