One-liners SMS

  • Sea Captain: There is no hope! The ship is doomed! In an hour we will all be dead!
    Seasick Passenger: Thank God!
  • The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children!Upload to Facebook
    The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children!
  • Boy: Have you seen my pills? They 're labelled LSD.<br />
Grandmother: Never mind about your pills! Have you seen the dragon in the kitchen?`Upload to Facebook
    Boy: Have you seen my pills? They 're labelled LSD.
    Grandmother: Never mind about your pills! Have you seen the dragon in the kitchen?`
  • Did you hear about the two Mexican firefighters- Jose and Hose B?
  • Man 1: Shall we have a friendly game of cards?
    Man 2: No, let's play bridge!
  • Show me where Stalin is buried and I'll show you a Communist plot!
  • How can you tell a Sumo wrestler from a feminist?
    A Sumo wrestler shaves his legs!
  • How does a funeral director sign his correspondence? Yours eventually...
  • Did your hear about the cemetery that raised its burial cost? It blamed the cost of living!
  • Master, is it proper for a monk to use email?
    Sure as long as there are no 'attachments'!