Interesting SMS

  • Children want to be grown up because they'll be free. Grown-ups want to be children because they'll be free again!Upload to Facebook
    Children want to be grown up because they'll be free. Grown-ups want to be children because they'll be free again!
  • Being smart but not good at tests is like being attractive but not photogenic!
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    Being smart but not good at tests is like being attractive but not photogenic!
  • No matter what happens, no matter how far you seem to be away from where you want to be, never stop believing that you will somehow make it!
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    No matter what happens, no matter how far you seem to be away from where you want to be, never stop believing that you will somehow make it!
  • Therapy is a software update. Surgery is a hardware upgrade!Upload to Facebook
    Therapy is a software update. Surgery is a hardware upgrade!
  • If you're afraid to check your account balance, you probably need to check your account balance!Upload to Facebook
    If you're afraid to check your account balance, you probably need to check your account balance!
  • In this generation, people ignore each other to get each other's attention!Upload to Facebook
    In this generation, people ignore each other to get each other's attention!
  • There needs to be an alarm app where every time you snooze it, it donates a certain amount of money to a charity of your choice!Upload to Facebook
    There needs to be an alarm app where every time you snooze it, it donates a certain amount of money to a charity of your choice!
  • Grades don't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity!Upload to Facebook
    Grades don't measure intelligence and age doesn't define maturity!
  • Sleep is like a drug addiction. We physically depend on it and become angry and even depressed when we don't get enough of it!Upload to Facebook
    Sleep is like a drug addiction. We physically depend on it and become angry and even depressed when we don't get enough of it!
  • The internet almost killed off the postal service with email and then made it more needed than ever with online delivery!Upload to Facebook
    The internet almost killed off the postal service with email and then made it more needed than ever with online delivery!